A facetious nickname for the chilly psychological thriller “Brief Reunion” might be “The Rat and the Bat.” The rat is the movie’s wary, furtive protagonist, Aaron (Joel de la Fuente), a successful software entrepreneur who lives in a picture-perfect New Hampshire farmhouse with his wife, Lea (Alexie Gilmore). The bat is an unwelcome visitor from his past. If the lush New England setting, with its covered bridges and sleepy river, seems a summer paradise, all is not right. In ominous portent, a dinner party with friends and business associates is interrupted when a bat strays into the house and wreaks havoc. The guests cower in horror as Aaron beats it to death. The creature’s human equivalent soon appears in the person of Teddy (Scott Shepherd), a college classmate whom Aaron has not seen in years. Teddy had been the best friend of Neil, Aaron’s dead business partner, and he begins stalking Aaron by telephone and computer. When Aaron ignores him, Teddy importunes Lea in a grocery store and invites himself to her husband’s 40th-birthday bash. — Stephen Holden
Brief Reunion (2011)
A facetious nickname for the chilly psychological thriller “Brief Reunion” might be “The Rat and the Bat.” The rat is the movie’s wary, furtive protagonist, Aaron (Joel de la Fuente), a successful software entrepreneur who lives in a picture-perfect New Hampshire farmhouse with his wife, Lea (Alexie Gilmore). The bat is an unwelcome visitor from his past. If the lush New England setting, with its covered bridges and sleepy river, seems a summer paradise, all is not right. In ominous portent, a dinner party with friends and business associates is interrupted when a bat strays into the house and wreaks havoc. The guests cower in horror as Aaron beats it to death. The creature’s human equivalent soon appears in the person of Teddy (Scott Shepherd), a college classmate whom Aaron has not seen in years. Teddy had been the best friend of Neil, Aaron’s dead business partner, and he begins stalking Aaron by telephone and computer. When Aaron ignores him, Teddy importunes Lea in a grocery store and invites himself to her husband’s 40th-birthday bash. — Stephen Holden
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